The Sonatix Way

The mind is like an iceberg, so says Freud. 

We kind of agree.

We believe that instincts, fears, and trauma from early on directly impact how and why we do what we do. These early experiences, in conjunction with our genetic makeup, help to create who we are. 

Our conscious thoughts, or what we and others see, affect our entire selves. Aspects of ourselves, such as our personalities, motivators, emotions, and fears, all contribute to why we act the way we do. Furthermore, the mind is dynamic—it’s always in motion, constantly processing.

At Sonatix Wellness, our treatment modality involves many schools of thought. 

However, we predominantly use these three in our practice:

Psychodynamic Theory helps patients understand long-standing conflicts from the past caused by unconscious mental and emotional processes. These conflicts often stand in the way of personal growth without people knowing it. This therapeutic method involves recognizing what from the past is causing these conflicts and overcoming the repressed emotions to heal and move on.
Humanistic Psychology is a school of thought that focuses on each individual's potential and believes that people are inherently good. Providers who use humanistic psychology in their practices believe that people should be treated as unique beings and are capable of making choices that will help them achieve their full potential.
Positive Psychology aims to help people reach their full potential by focusing on strengths and solutions rather than just identifying and treating problems.

For you science nerds out there (it’s us), we call this modality Humanistic Psychodynamic Therapy, or HPDT. We can’t and won’t rubber-stamp our patients’ diagnoses into labels.

We will treat you based on WHO YOU ARE, and we work with our patients to address the hard stuff—the nitty-gritty from all those years of keeping it unintentionally covered. We unearth it, help you work through it, and teach you to thrive instead of survive.

All this boils down to is that we care about our patients and their stories—you can count on us to help you individually.

We call it The Sonatix Way.